Anna Carpenter

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Anna was a cheerleader for the Dallas Cowboys for two seasons: 1972 and 1973. She was one of 7 other cheerleaders also known as "The Originals" during the Inaugural season that defined the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders as we know them today. Prior to her becoming a Dallas Cheerleader, she was an drill team member of the Apache Belles at the Robert E. Lee High school as well as being the Director for a short period of time.[1] "I used to tease my friends and say, 'I'm working my way through college,'" says Lee, who attended TCU during her two years on the squad and currently helps her husband with his video production company. " We got paid $15 per game."[2]

Anna and her husband passed away On May 7, 2017

Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders (2)
