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<Big><Big><Big>What is Pompedia?</big></big>
<big><big>P</big></big>ompedia feels more like an electronic encyclopedia than a website so I will treat it as such.  Typically the forward is written by a 3rd party and after trying and failing to witty and charming I have decided to leave this part blank until someone decides they would like to write one for me.

  Pompedia is a resource, research and preservation center for fans & cheerleaders of the NFLIn 1954 the Baltimore Colts were the first team to introduce cheerleaders to the sidelines during gamesSince then squads have come, gone and evolved into the entertainment spectacle it is todayThe 2024 season will bring 70 years of history and an untold number of individuals that have supported their teams throughout the yearsThe focus on the cheerleaders really extends to the current season with some reflections on the past.
==About the web author==
<big><big>I</big></big> really don't like to talk about myself mainly because this isn't about me.  I don't want distract readers from the real intent of this website which is to honor all the individuals on the sidelines and behind the scenes that create the entertainment niche they have carved out for over 60+ years.  I am not gain any notoriety in the process.
==What Is Pompedia?==
<big><big>P</big></big>ompedia is the history of professional cheerleaders and their evolution over time.  I like to think that if you don't know where you're going if you don't know where you've beenHere I try to acknowledge each individual by face and name.  While information is still missing, I am publishing as much information as I canIf you are a cheerleader and would like recognition that do not have, please let me know as well as any cheerleader who would like their anonymity I will remove your nameI find it interesting to see the changes in squads, the uniforms, hair styles and dance styles through the decades.  I believe there is a lot more history to be preserved, but also a lot that has been lost to time.  

  I believe that there is a rich history here that needs to be preserved.  Cheerleaders of the digital age have fared much better then those who came before it.  The farther you go back in time, the harder it becomes to fill in the missing pieces of the puzzle.  I didn't realize the monumental effort it would take to implement my idea.  It has been difficult.  Most official organizations or alumni groups don't respond to my requests.  The same when I try to reach out to some individuals who I think might be able to answer a question.  I have adopted the policy that from that point on, I will not initiate contact with any individuals but rather respond to any that may reach out to me. Any and all correspondence is considered confidential.
<!--<big><big>I</big></big> was 10 years old when I first experienced the pop culture phenomenon of the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders.  I was captivated with their eye catching uniforms big fluffy pom poms and how pretty they all were. This impression would stay with me for the rest of my life.<br>

  This website is currently maintained by one individual with the help of fellow fans and in some cases the cheerleaders themselvesI am not affiliated with any organization but I would enjoy any correspondence from alumni or official organizations to correct any errors or promote content that they are trying to bring to their fan's attention.  I do runs ads on a wiki platform to help cover the costs.   This season to renew this website will cost $1,000 not including the acquisition of hard to find material or the time it takes me to source, capture, manipulate, organize and upload the information hereThis is a labor of love and I hope that you appreciate the work that goes into it.
<big><big>D</big></big>uring my Junior year in college I went to a local sports card show and purchased a pack of trading cards for the 1992 squad published by EnorThe uniforms had changed a bit but to me they still had the same appealAfter I graduated from college and found a job, I now had disposable income and decided I was to try to find the world famous 1st DCC poster. The internet was new and my limited research found that Pro Arts, the original printer of many posters, had old stock inventory and were looking to sell them.  It turns out the company was actually 17 miles way from where I grew up and live nowI purchased the poster and had it framed so I could hang it in my home office.  I would stare at like I did when I was younger, but this time I wondered what their names were. Who are these women?

  One last thing I would like to explain is the Pompedia logo at the bottom of nearly all the pictures I postAt first I didn't used to do thatIt was when I discovered that other websites (and there were many) who stole my research to try to pass it off as their own material that I had to take steps to show the original source.  
<big><big>A</big></big> year or two later Ebay hit the internet and it opened up a new world to me.  I so found out there was a ton my merchandise the cheerleaders put out and I became consumed to find as much as I couldAfter amassing a decent sized collection I decided to share my research and publish it to my first attempt "The Dallas Cheerleader Anthology".  I also created a Yahoo group for the Dallas Cheerleaders where fans could talk and share their thought about their favorite cheerleaders.  Through these two opportunities I was able to correspond with several DCC Alumni, one being [[Vicki_Hammons|'''Vicki Hammons Woodlee''']] of 1973 and 74, who helped me fill in the spaces where I didn't have any information, or ever the wrong information.  I have much respect for her and her commitment to the Alumni of the 70s and the DCC Orginzation.

  I currently do not have an email account but hope to adding one shortlyIf you would like to contact me you can find me on the follow Facebook page:
<big><big>Y</big></big>ahoo decided to delete their free website, and I suffered from burn out.  I took some time off and decided to try again with another website but I was always afraid that the organization would disprove of my attempts so I decided to add other cheerleader squadI tried several different platforms before I decided on Wikipedia and several more setbacks where I lost all progress and had to start from scratch.

<center><big><big>'''Join here : [ Pompedia Facebook page]'''</big></big></center>
<big><big>T</big></big>o be continued... -->

Latest revision as of 23:43, 28 January 2025


Pompedia feels more like an electronic encyclopedia than a website so I will treat it as such. Typically the forward is written by a 3rd party and after trying and failing to witty and charming I have decided to leave this part blank until someone decides they would like to write one for me.

About the web author

I really don't like to talk about myself mainly because this isn't about me. I don't want distract readers from the real intent of this website which is to honor all the individuals on the sidelines and behind the scenes that create the entertainment niche they have carved out for over 60+ years. I am not gain any notoriety in the process.

What Is Pompedia?

Pompedia is the history of professional cheerleaders and their evolution over time. I like to think that if you don't know where you're going if you don't know where you've been. Here I try to acknowledge each individual by face and name. While information is still missing, I am publishing as much information as I can. If you are a cheerleader and would like recognition that do not have, please let me know as well as any cheerleader who would like their anonymity I will remove your name. I find it interesting to see the changes in squads, the uniforms, hair styles and dance styles through the decades. I believe there is a lot more history to be preserved, but also a lot that has been lost to time.